Features - Data Breach Incident Automation

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Breach notification laws are now established and widely enforced globally. They impose specific incident reporting requirements, and the time organizations are allowed to inform authorities concerning a breach continues to get shorter and shorter. In some cases, the privacy breach reporting window is as little as 72 hours. Most personal information data breach incidents lack documentation, involve more data, and occur more frequently than ever before.

Without automation, a comprehensive knowledge of current and new global breach notification laws is a necessity. And unless you have the time to devote to keeping up with these laws and the accompanying required documentation, privacy and data protection compliance and response will become an overwhelming challenge.

InfoComply Breach Incident Automation Software helps organizations centrally manage incidents, automate tasks, and maintain records for compliance and notification with global laws. It comes with inbuilt integration to global regulation, making it easy to search global notification rules. With the InfoComply platform, organizations can build context-aware automated workflows that enhance breach notification decision-making and greatly increase response time to incidents.

Different Intake Streams & Simplified Dashboard

Start Investigations Sooner

The InfoComply platform integrates with your existing breach detection systems to enable you to kick-off breach response and notification workflows automatically.

InfoComply software empowers employees to self-report (or, as an admin, directly add) an incident to the case module via the InfoComply platform or email.

Our modern user interface enables you to easily track breach response progress and helps ensure your team adheres to notification deadlines. Comprehensive dashboard features enable you to dive deep into the details of individual incidents.


Packaged Workflows

InfoComply allows you to react quickly with confidence and consistency using rule-based automated workflows.

Make your company’s rules context-aware.

  • Initiate breach-related tasks based on variables such as location, severity, applicable laws, and more.
  • Understand the total impact of the breach
    • Infocomply’s DataFlow technology defines which regions, users and business processes are impacted. Legal/privacy offices need this information to reach out holistically and provide a quick response at the organizational level.

With the right people collaborating on an incident, it is key to apply the right notification templates as part of the response to stakeholders. InfoComply will save you time, so you aren’t scrambling to find the applicable rules and regulations to meet deadlines.

Reporting & Audit Trail

Whether it is pulling a report on the status of every incident or building a notification report for a regulator, the InfoComply platform enables you to find the information you need, when you need it.

  • Pull simple reports or scale to generate massive, detailed reports with dozens of filtering options
  • Demonstrate compliance with automated audit trail. InfoComply automatically creates a detailed activity stream, leaving you with the audit trail you need to retrace your steps and demonstrate regulatory compliance.

Faster Risk Discovery & Mitigation

As part of breach incident assessments, InfoComply software helps identify risk based on predefined severity levels, which in turn will auto-identify an action plan as part of the mitigation efforts. Embedded collaboration tools help you reach out to involved teams and manage risk efficiently.

Gain clarity and oversight on your incident program with InfoComply

  • Track incidents in real time through live dashboard charts and reports
  • Manage incidents from onset to closure

InfoComply software gives you and your stakeholders greater understanding of an incident’s life cycle and remediation activities.